Arflin sexy bunny suit for VRChat
Show off that sexy bunny!
Custom sexy bunny suit made specifically to fit the Arflin VRChat base. Includes a strapless body corset, leggings with fishnet option, bowtie collar, and lace cuffs. Combined into one mesh for optimal performance with blendshapes to hide each part. Also has blendshapes to match all the body shapes.
Includes fbx, animations and fx controller for easy installation, 3 material variations (black, fishnet and color) with normal maps for wrinkles or smooth, and the substance painter file I used to make them. Materials are set up using Poiyomi Toon V8.0+
Installation is easy. (see video)
- Drag the model prefab (not the fbx) onto your model and unpack it.
- Drag each bone from its armature into the model's armature.
- Use the Avatar 3.0 Manager to combine the FX controller.
- Create an option in your menu that points to the submenu.
- Use the Avatar 3.0 emulator to test if everything works correctly.
Do not sell or claim ownership of this content. Can't be included in other paid or free models. If used in a commission, both parties must own the product. Because of the nature of digital assets, refunds are not available. If you have any questions or comments, my Discord is Adamant Unicorn#7903
unity package with fbx, 3 materials and variants, and animations. Substance painter file